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  • Infertility (trying for a baby for more than a year of unprotected sex)

  • Secondary infertility (trying for a baby for more than a year of unprotected sex after previously conceiving)

  • Dealing with a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, medical termination, stillbirth, early infant death

  • Postnatal depression

  • Marital issues (spouse, in-laws)

  • Friendships

  • Social media pressure

  • Depression




The support we provide is divided into two

  • Peer led support (hangouts)

  • Professional - led (forums and seminars)


Peer led support

The challenges mentioned above can be emotionally and physically draining. It can lead to complex feelings, such as failure, guilt, blame, regret and isolation.

Our Support group is a time to share your journey and listen to others experiences, for mutual peer support and also a time to learn from others. You will be encouraged to speak about your concerns and feelings as well as respond to others as they share.Participants find it helpful to learn new coping skills, as well as find comfort in meeting and sharing with others who are facing the same fertility challenges. These hangouts are led by our Mentors


Professional - Led (forums and seminars)

Want to know more about an issue relating to your fertility status?These hangouts are Led by Proffessionals and trained volunteers. Each of these hangouts would be based on a specific topic e.g Endometriosis; PCOS; Fibroid; Hormonal Inbalance etc. Register to get more information and hear what others dealing with the same issue did. These hangouts are open to everyone  who would like to know more. 


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