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Improve your chances:
Lifestyle and Health
Improve chances of getting pregnant

Both men and women can make lifestyle changes that may increase their chances of conceiving: 



Eat healthily

A balanced diet will help ensure your body is healthy enough to become pregnant and nourish a developing baby.


A healthy diet can also help to keep sperm production at optimum levels. Being under- or overweight can make you less likely to become pregnant, so making changes to your diet can help to improve your chances.


It is also recommends that all women trying for a baby should take 400mcg of folic acid a day to help prevent conditions such as spina bifida in your child.



Exercise regularly

Regular, moderate exercise of around 30 minutes a day helps to maximise your fitness and keep your weight in check. 


It also boosts levels of endorphins, the body’s own ‘happy hormones’, which may help to reduce stress. Some people find relaxation techniques or complementary therapies also help them relax. 


Drink wisely

Women who are trying to become pregnant should drink no more than one or two units of alcohol once or twice per week. Men should stick within the recommended daily limit of three to four units. Drinking too much can have a negative impact on semen quality and can harm a developing fetus.



Medication and drugs

Some prescription medication can lessen your changes of conceiving, so if you are taking regular medication and trying for a baby, talk to your doctor about alternatives that might be more appropriate.


Some prescription drugs can reduce your chances of conceiving, so if you are taking regular medication, ask your doctor about suitable alternatives. All recreational drugs should be completely avoided.



Quit smoking

Smoking has been linked to infertility and early menopause in women, and to sperm problems in men. It is also a factor in premature or low birth-weight babies.


Quitting smoking may help to improve your chances of conceiving and having a healthy baby.



Keep cool

The testes should be a couple of degrees cooler than the rest of your body for maximum sperm production.


It’s not clear whether wearing loose-fitting underwear and trousers, and avoiding activities such as saunas and hot showers will help, but some studies seem to suggest that it might be beneficial.

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